Seravo Plugin
Seravo Plugin is an open source plugin that makes it easier for our clients to manage their sites and services directly from the WordPress admin dashboard. The plugin is installed automatically as a must-use plugin on all sites hosted with us, so no additional work is required to make use of these features.
The plugins options and settings are nested under the Tools heading of the menu in the WordPress administrator dashboard:
Underneath the six default WordPress tools are seven pages that include different tools of ours that help with managing the site and its related services. All of the postboxes on these pages are freely movable and can be organized in the way that best suits your individual workflows. They cannot be hidden, but closing a postbox will keep it minimized until it's manually opened again, which makes it handy if you rarely need certain information, but want to keep it at hand just in case.
Here's a quick overview of the different pages, and don't forget you can read more about each individual page and its contents by clicking the link in the title.
Site Status
The site status page is the first page you should visit if you are wondering about the different features of our plugin. This page allows you to get a quick overview of tools, systems, basic information, and analytics related to your site.

As the name indicates, this page is geared towards showcasing and providing the tools and features related to keeping the site operational and up-to-date. Here's a quick list of the things you can expect find here:
The site's update status and history
The test status and the option to trigger another test, useful if you've made modifications to the site and want to make sure those changes won't end up blocking our update system
Option to track down file and folder modifications with the given date
The screenshots of before and after the latest update or update attempt, and the visual regression test's observation of differences between the two
The update controls, opting out, technical contacts and Slack notifications for the updates
The option to manually trigger a Seravo Plugin update and the PHP switcher that allows you to change the PHP version your site currently uses
On the database page you can find information about the database size, as well as a graph indicating the different tables and their individual sizes. In addition to the database size information, there are instructions on accessing the database directly from the command line, as well as with the PHPMyAdmin equivalent that we have installed on every site called Adminer.
Finally, there's a convenient little tool for running search-replace commands straight from the WordPress admin interface and database cleanup tool for cleaning empty and excessive tables for instance.
The backups page allows you to see the backup status of your site and create a new backups.

On the security page you can find the settings that control the security of your site, and the tools you can use to clean up unnecessary files.
On this page you can control the DNS records of the domains associated with the site, as long as the domain is hosted with us. You can also see the email forwards that are associated with each domain.

The logs page allows you to browse the log files that are located in the /data/log/ path without ever having to log in to the server.