PHP Versions

Seravo's Default PHP Version

Currently, Seravo uses PHP 8.1 by default on new sites. PHP 8.2 and 8.3 are also available at Seravo.

Official Support for PHP Versions

The official support for the PHP versions listed below will end on the following dates. End of life means that the PHP version will not receive security updates or bug fixes. It is recommended to update the PHP version into the latest version which is officially supported. You can read more about updating the PHP version of your WordPress website here.

  • PHP 8.3 – 23rd Nov 2025
  • PHP 8.2 – 8th Dec 2024
  • PHP 8.1 – 25th Nov 2024
  • PHP 8.0 – 26th Nov 2023
  • PHP 7.4 – 28th Nov 2022
  • PHP 7.3 – 6th Dec 2021
  • PHP 7.2 – 30th Nov 2020
  • PHP 7.1 – 1st Dec 2019
  • PHP 7.0 – 10th Jan 2019
  • PHP 5.6 – 31st Dec 2018

Planned Dates for Removal of Outdated PHP Versions at Seravo

The PHP versions listed below will be removed from Seravo's hosting service on the following dates, and won't be available for our customers any longer. If your site is running an outdated PHP version that is being removed from our service, we will contact you regarding an upgrade. This will ensure that the upgrade is done in an orderly manner and that the site's availability is not compromised.

  • PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.2 – 31st Dec 2024
  • PHP 7.4 – 1st July 2025
  • PHP 8.1 – 31st Dec 2025

Removed PHP Versions at Seravo

The following outdated PHP versions are unavailable at Seravo's hosting service.
  • PHP 7.1 has never been available at Seravo.
  • PHP 7.0 – 1st July 2023
  • PHP 5.6 – 1st July 2023
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