Redirecting traffic to a Seravo hosted site

If you are using several parallel domains for the site ( and for example) and the WordPress installation is aware of them, for displaying different languages when using different domains for example, Seravo should be informed of them. This is so that we can ensure the routing, HTTPS certificates, upkeep monitoring and other hosting tasks will be handled correctly. We also recommend moving all domains under Seravo's control, so we can make sure all domain related management is taken care of, including annual fees and registration information. Each domain will be charged a small fee, which covers all of Seravo's maintenance work done related to domains regardless of whether the customer partakes in the domain management partially or not at all (partially meaning handling annual renewals and annual fees for example). More information can be found in the What if I Need Multiple Domains for my Site?article.

In the case where the customer has their own domain, and the customer handles the administration of the domain fully and completely without Seravo's help, Seravo will not charge for the domains. If the customer wants to redirect visitors from these domains to sites hosted by Seravo, the customer needs to do the redirection independently using HTTP redirection. If the customer wants to manage domains and redirections independently, they must have a sufficient understanding of DNS and HTTP redirections, so that they can set and test that all domains function correctly without Seravo's help. Regarding the HTTP redirection method you should be in contact with the customer service of the party that is managing the domain name or administrating the site you want the redirection from.

If the old site is using Apache and you're permitted to make your own .htaccess rules, you can set up the redirection with the following:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]

If you want the HTTP redirection to redirect all visitors on a specific subsite to a new site, the .htaccess rules would look like this;

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /subfolder/(.*)$1 [R=301,L]

The above .htaccess rules are just examples however. Not all service providers use Apache and it is only used here as an example since it is the most common option (Seravo for example uses Nginx server software instead of Apache). More detailed instructions and guidance on how to handle the redirections can be asked from the customer service of the service provider hosting the domain or the site. If the domain is moved to under Seravo's control, Seravo can naturally handle all such inquiries on behalf of the customer.

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